Tuesday, September 9, 2008

First Day of School!

We did it! We survived the first day of preschool! I am quite proud of myself...err, I mean Owen. We both did great! Really, though, I was way more anxiety-ridden about this than he was. I knew it was going to be hard, so I put on my best Mommy smile and we had a great morning. Daddy made pancakes and there was a lot of picture taking. As I was on the verge of tears, Owen, holding his adorable new backpack from Gammy, announced, "I excited, Mommy!"
So, we headed into the minivan - you know, the "I'll never drive one...now I love it...I'm a total preschool mom" minivan - and headed over to preschool for the much anticipated drop off. Not only did I have to leave my baby for the morning, but I also had to BACK the big ol' van into a parking spot. Seriously...my stress level was high!
We met Owen's best buddy Brayden in the parking lot, and both boys were all smiles talking about the trains that they were going to play with - one of many reasons why these two are friends - they have a similar love for Thomas! A quick hug and kiss and tears, and Owen marched right into that preschool room without looking back. (Ok, so I was the only one with tears, but overall, I'd say I did pretty well!)
After treating myself to a much deserved Dunkin Donuts coffee, Bryn and I met Brayden's mom and little sister at the mall - a little retail therapy will cure anything. And before we knew it, it was time to pick up our little guys.
The verdict? Owen liked it...he really did! He loves his teacher and he said he had lots of fun playing with the trains. On the way home he told me, "I a big boy, Mommy!" Yes you are, Owen! Mommy is so proud!

My big boy all ready to go!
...but not without a big kiss for sister, first!

He was very proud of his name tag! (And very ready to end the picture taking and start the fun!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy first day of school!

I love that he had to kiss his sister! So sweet.